Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My baby is a breakdancing fool....yo.

Ok, today was THE coolest day of my life thus far.  I.saw.my.baby.move.  The baby I get to love and kiss and snuggle and hug in just a few months.   And not just barely give us a little wiggle either, I'm talking the kind of movin' and groovin' that shocks the ultrasound tech into recording it for future viewing pleasure and giving us a free copy!  (I'm working on downloading it out here, so bear with me!)  To quote our wonderful tech, "I've seen a lot of babies and I've seen babies move, but I've never seen a baby move like this!"  Looks like the baby is going to be a salsa dancer like his/her mama after all!  :)  Or just really hyperactive.

I cannot even put into words what that was like to see my little scrip scrap in there all by itself, doing its thing, chilling out and being all grumpy at us for disturbing him/her.  The first thing I do every time we have an ultrasound (this is our fourth) is hold my breath while frantically searching for that blinky light showing the blood pumping through my little one's heart.  Once I've seen that, I always relax and can enjoy the show.  Today, I was blown away with the growth in these past two weeks.  The baby went from looking like a seahorse to a BABY.  It even waved at one point and you could see all five fingers!  I think Rik and I were both in awe of what we were seeing.  We knew we might see it move, but we did NOT expect the full-on talent show we got.  Well worth the price of admission.  :)

I kept looking at the pictures all day today and just smiling like an idiot.  I never thought I'd see anything like this.  And here we are.  So blessed.  I can't believe that little hand I saw is the hand I get to hold and kiss and it belongs to our baby.  If you could see me right now, I look like an absolute idiot with this hugemongo smile on my face.  I am so in love already.  That poor baby...in for a TREAT.  Between it's Daddy and me, yeeeesh....smother love.

The heart rate was 162 bpm and the little one was measuring 11 weeks, which we are today so that's great.  I have lost three lbs but since I had gained quite a bit the past few months with the meds, she said it's all good and we're right where we need to be.   The tech didn't really note or look for the placenta previa issue so, lucky me, I get another ultrasound in 4 weeks.  Just in time to see what the sex of the baby will be!  The doctor said since I wasn't having any more spotting of late that she wasn't too concerned and we'd check again at the next appointment.  I'm fine with that.  I hate that we've had issues, but I love the extra ultrasounds we're getting.  You all know how it feels being infertile and dying to know if everything is ok in there every waking minute of the day.  I'll take what little blessings God throws my way to go with this one HUGE one.  :)  It helps my sanity.

Rik was absolutely adorable during the ultrasound.  I wish I could bottle up those moments and share them with our baby one day.  It's so heartwarming to see how excited he is and how much he already loves this kiddo.  I think seeing the baby move today made it more real for him.  I would imagine it's hard for the fella since he's not going through the symptoms, just dealing with the fallout. ;)  It has to seem awfully surreal.  The heartbeat has to be his favorite - every time he hears it he outright giggles and usually says something about it being the best sound in the world.  It's so cute.

I talked to the doctor today about my back pain and she said she'd recommend seeing a chiropractor.  She had the name of one who specializes in maternity but she forgot to give me the name.  We'll have to call and get that tomorrow because I really want to go!  She also gave me some medicine for acid reflux and nausea.  She said the nausea may correct itself just with the acid reflux medicine.  We'll see!

That's all for now!  Keep us in your prayers!


  1. So fun that you have a wiggle worm!!! :) Samantha was always giving the techs a hard time too because she moved so much!!! Im SO happy for you :) Its just gonna get better and better :)

  2. Ahhh! Seeing him/her move is SUCH an awesome moment. I'm so glad you got to see that today!! :)

  3. Yay!!! Love reading about the details! Seeing baby move on the ultrasound is definitely one of many highlights!!

  4. It may have been 32 years ago but it seems as if it were yesterday, that a little girl all pink and wrinkled stole my heart. These are the things I prayed that God would let you see and feel. You are that little girl that stole my heart 32 years ago. I feel so blessed to be able to watch you and Rik go through this journey. I love you guys very much.

  5. awwww! i can't wait to see the video! i bet you've both been walking around with a huge grin just plastered to your faces. sounds like rik is one proud papa. that just warms my heart! i'm so happy for y'all! i hope everything goes smoothly from here on out and that you'll get to feel your little one dancing around inside of you soon. :)

  6. Already a performer! Those memories will be etched in your mind forever, I'm so glad it was a great appointment!

  7. I can just imagine him/her in there dancing around saying 'Hi Mom and Dad! I'm right here!'. Looks like you might have an attention hog on your hands :) Which is fine, they pretty much hog all the attention anyway. I am sooooo excited for you.....also very glad that he/she is no longer a seahorse....although that would have been pretty awesome too :P

  8. Totally stalking to see the video!!! I watch the video of the first heartbeat ultrasound all the time!!! Such amazing milestones!
